Unable to start an sfs client. Is this behaviour predictable???
Santosh Raghuram
2006-09-15 15:32:58 UTC
I have installed sfs by checking out the code from the anonymous CVS.
I have gcc version 3.2 installed for the same.
I run Fedora Core 5 on an Intel dual core machine.
When I run the program: sfscd, a directory /sfs is created as is said.
However, I think the client dies off as I get the follwing information in my

Sep 15 20:48:30 ardra : terminate called after throwing an instance of
Sep 15 20:48:30 ardra : what(): N9__gnu_cxx14recursive_initE
Sep 15 20:48:30 ardra : sfsrwcd: version 0.8pre, pid 2295
Sep 15 20:48:30 ardra : sfsrwcd: fatal: EOF from sfscd

If I further try to access the sfs test server by running: cd /sfs/@
sfs.fs.net,uzwadtctbjb3dg596waiyru8cx5kb4an, I get the following:
bash: cd: /sfs/@sfs.fs.net,uzwadtctbjb3dg596waiyru8cx5kb4an: No such file or

How do I get rid of this problem? Is this behaviour predicted?

