issue that came up with g++4
Jaakko Niemi
2005-07-29 08:56:31 UTC

Error that came up:

rexchan.C: In member function 'virtual void unixfd::data(svccb*)':
rexchan.C:254: error: '<anonymous enum>' is/uses anonymous type
rexchan.C:254: error: trying to instantiate 'template<class C, class
R, class B1, class A1, class AA1> refcounted<callback_c_1_1<C*, C, R,
B1, A1>, scalar>* wrap(C*, R (C::*)(A1, B1), const AA1&)'
rexchan.C:254: error: no matching function for call to 'wrap(unixfd*
const, void (unixfd::*)(int, int), <anonymous enum>)'

This is caused by SHUT_* being defined in anonymous enum in
system headers. g++ 4 enforces C++ standard, which says that
anonymous types cannot be used as template arguments. While
this will be fixed on Debian, it may come up elsewhere.

