The Initial Cover Letter
Bahram Maskanian
2007-04-01 16:27:12 UTC
The Initial Cover Letter

- Shackles - Womankind Enchained -

Publicly Funded Enlightening Film Production
A Charitable Non-Profit Organization

Dear Womankind And Mankind, My Fellow Humankind,

To be an informed individual aware of issues impacting all of humankind,
one tends to seek and be exposed to vital news and information that
everybody must become aware of and know. But unfortunately, the
separating wall of ignorance built by the mass media shields a large
majority of the world's population from being exposed to the truth, one
of which is the barbaric and tragic problem of human trafficking and

I have recently finished writing a screenplay for a feature film,
entitled: - Shackles - Womankind Enchained -, and a sound track
consisting of six (6) songs. I am told that without personally knowing
someone in the entertainment business, or without an agent, or an
attorney to introduce and represent the idea, there is no chance of
bringing this vital, and sadly not much talked about problem of young
women and men, kidnapped and sold by human traffickers / slave traders
to the world's attention in the form of a motion picture.

Shackles - Womankind Enchained - paints a realistic and clear picture of
the harsh and brutal consequences of being a woman under Islamic
dictatorship regimes, particularly in and around Iran / Persia, Central
Asia and North Africa. The screenplay is the tale of a realistic journey
of two (2) close friends, educated freethinking Iranian women, Azar and
Roya based on actual true daily events. It opens a window looking into
the miserable fate of womankind in the shackles of religion, controlled
and enslaved by male dictators according to the dogmatic teachings of
Islam. After suffering one last beating at a peaceful political protest
in front of Tehran University by Iran's ruling mullahs Azar and Roya
decide to escape Iran through the Afghanistan Pakistan border.

In the process of running away from Iran, Azar and Roya fall prey into
the widespread web of human traffickers / slave traders. In a harsh way
Azar and Roya are confronted with the horrible reality of young women
and men, captured, sold and enslaved for forced prostitution, domestic
sex slaves, horse / camel jockey, forced labor, religious sacrifices, or
for being murdered and butchered for their body parts to be sold in
organ transplant markets. Azar and Roya suffer repeated brutal beating
and rape after being sold to three (3) slave traders prior to their
escape from the hands of these men.

At this point I am seeking assistance to find the right concerned
person, or Production Company, or Entertainment Agent, and or an
Attorney for representation to pitch the idea. Your help would be
greatly appreciated and also financially rewarded in an appropriate
manner. If interested, I would be glad to forward you a copy of the
movie treatment, screenplay, the sound track song's lyrics and my
biography in a -PDF-, Acrobat reader format via e-mail, or a hard copy
by regular mail.

I am sure we can all agree that the voiceless and faceless womankind's
hope of ever removing the enchaining shackles and obtaining equality,
human rights, dignity and freedom will be possible only by exposing the
criminal barbaric treatment they receive and the atrocities done to them
every single day. We should do what we can to prevent any further delay
in exposing the world's population to this barbaric and tragic problem.
Delay means more innocent young women and men will suffer and die daily
in the hands of the slave traders.

Shackles - Womankind Enchained -, film will also expose the close
relationship between the European and American nation-less corporations
with the barbaric Islamic Republic of ruling mullah's in Iran. Mullah's
criminal and savage behavior towards the defenseless Iranian people and
their terrorist activities, thus setting up the stage for a worldwide
boycott of those corporations in bed with mullahs and support for a
non-violence transformation of power in Iran by the Iranian people.

I must emphasize the fact that I am not a Jew, Christian nor Muslim.
First time when I was in my teens, I asked my father about religion, and
his thoughts regarding the subject. My father told me, - - Religion has
caused many problems for humanity since its conception. Should you
decide to believe in one, spend sometime and study it, read the pros and
cons, then join whichever cult or group you like - -. I did study the
three Adam and Eve based religions; Judaism, and its two derivatives:
Christianity and Islam. The horrifying barbarism of the three religious
manuals and history was a big turnoff, and the clear evidence of a need
for a new spirituality, that is based on common sense and ethical
standards. - To share my findings I have written an article about the
historical facts regarding the three religions, titled: - The True
Origin of Christianity -

Please join me, and let's make it our mission to shock the world into
the realization of this tragic problem. Let's empower womankind
worldwide to achieve unimagined possibilities and transformations
through a cooperative dignifying partnership amongst the womankind and
the mankind, the humankind, by utilizing the superior power and wisdom
of common sense based on ethical standards and modern technology, to
attain economic prosperity for all of humankind, eradication of war,
poverty and the clean up our one and only home, Planet Earth.

We all are part of life. Life transcends through humankind's evolution.
The best gift any one of us, the humankind can offer to life itself and
humanity, is the concurring of one's self and living one's life in
moderation. The great and glorious masterpiece of humanity is to know
how to live with purpose, what is your purpose in life?

Poet Aeschylus once wrote:

"Even in our sleep, pain which we cannot forget,
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
Until, in our own despair,
Against our will, comes wisdom,
Through the awful grace of God."

Thank you for your time and attention.

- Click here if you like to volunteer to help. -


Bahram Maskanian


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

P.S. - To find out how you can help to put an end to this tragic problem
of human trafficking and female slavery visit: - - http://www.pbcfilms.com/

It is your civic duty as a human being to do what you can to help. First
thing we can all do is to inform others and pass this information around
far and wide to as many people as possible informing them of this
campaign against slavery and human trafficking. - - Those of you who own
and operate website(s) could help by placing the - Shackles - Womankind
Enchained - banner on your web pages, click on the link below for more


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Planet Blue Communications, Inc. (PBC Films)
P.O. Box 607 - New York, NY 10021-0013

- - Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are
people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain
without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of
its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a
physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power
concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will. - -

